Teaching in Korea with Access South Korea Now
This blog is about teaching English in South Korea. ASK Now Inc., Access South Korea Now, is a company that helps university graduates gain employment in South Korea. Teaching English in South Korea is a great opportunity, and we'd like to introduce it to as many people as we can!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
2.7 in Anyang or 2.2 in Seoul?
I live in Seoul and most days go to our office in Bundang. I like Seoul but having lived in several cities in Korea I know other places are fine too. We have positions in Anyang at42.7 mil for qualified people but some of our clients would rather Seoul at 2.2. I am worried people do not know what it is like and miss good opps. I guess we need better education on location! Working on it! www.asknow.ca
Monday, January 12, 2009
The Final Countdown
It's the last week before Stacey arrives for her first trip to Korea. We've planned out an itinerary it should be a lot of fun.
It's also the last 2 days before we close down the sign-ups for the ski trip. We almost have a full house but there are a few spots open and a few people that may be confirming soon, so if you are at all interested in this trip, jump in as soon as you can:
See you on the trip!