Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Great Video Tour on a Motorbike

I really enjoyed this 2 1/2 minute clip. It's an English teacher in Korea leaving his apartment and going to work on his motorbike.

Reasons I like it:

1. It shows a smaller Korean city (Gumi) and how smaller places still have lots going on.

2. It really hits home of what it's like living day to day in South Korea. It really gave me the feeling of being there on an average day, heading off to school to teach your regular classes (yet so much is going on all around)

3. The pace is quick and it shows how a foreigner has been able to integrate himself into Korea, enjoying things as he learns about his new country.

The real deal. Enjoy, and thanks to the person who made the video.



At 3:01 AM, Blogger comatose said...

Glad you liked the vid! :D

At 3:02 AM, Blogger comatose said...

Glad you liked the vid! :D

At 3:35 AM, Blogger Access South Korea Now said...

Yeah...that's a great video...just watched it again!

When I posted it, I was still in Canada. Now I'm back in Daegu. Forgot
that it was taken in Gumi.

We've sent about 5 teachers to Gumi recently, and about another 5 on the it's cool to have that video to show them. Thanks for the

Are you still around here?


At 3:12 AM, Blogger Ryan said...

Ha ha. Jason, I know who took that video. His name is also Jason. :)


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Glad you liked the vid! :D

By Blogger comatose, at 3:01 AM  

Glad you liked the vid! :D

By Blogger comatose, at 3:02 AM  

Yeah...that's a great video...just watched it again!

When I posted it, I was still in Canada. Now I'm back in Daegu. Forgot
that it was taken in Gumi.

We've sent about 5 teachers to Gumi recently, and about another 5 on the it's cool to have that video to show them. Thanks for the

Are you still around here?


By Blogger Access South Korea Now, at 3:35 AM  

Ha ha. Jason, I know who took that video. His name is also Jason. :)

By Blogger Ryan, at 3:12 AM  

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